Cloud App Overview

This application allows ServerMania cloud customers to:

  • Login to your Servermania powered clouds and see statistics
  • View account based logs
  • Convert  backup to template
  • Create backup for virtual servers
  • Destroy  backups
  • See  backups
  • View IP addresses assigned to own virtual servers
  • Update virtual servers
  • View networks
  • Create a new template
  • View templates
  • View virtual server statistics
  • View  disks
  • Auto-backup  disks
  • Manage power action on own virtual servers

Note: The app is designed for monitoring already created cloud instances. For the creation and full management of servers, we recommend using the desktop application.

Downloading the App

The ServerMania Cloud app is available on both the iOS and Android app stores. Simply search ServerMania Cloud to find it.

Downloading the App

Logging In

You can login to the cloud management app using the username and password we sent you during the cloud provisioning process.

Logging In

Once logged in, the dashboard contains the RAM and disk space utilization of your cloud isntances as well as recent activities of the servers.

At the bottom of the app, you can click the Machines tab to view all cloud isntances as well as the Settings page to view information about your account.

Navigating the App

Viewing Servers

The Servers tab allows you to view all active cloud instances. The green button will allow you to turn off and on the server. Clicking on the server reveals more detailed server information.

Viewing Servers

Viewing Server Details

When you click on a server, the resource information of the server will be displayed. The top menu allows you to navigate various aspects of the server including:

  • Logs
  • Disk
  • CPU
  • Networking
  • Console
  • backups

Viewing Server Details

Viewing the Server Console

Click the console tab when viewing a server in order to pull up the console screen. This will allow you to launch the console in a VNC app.

Viewing the Server Console

Resizing or Rebuild A Server

Click Options at the top right to edit the server resources or rebuild the server with a new template.

Resizing or Rebuild A Server

Need Help?

Our support team is available 24×7 to help you make the most of the ServerMania Cloud. Contact us at any time for help getting started or using the service.