This article will outline how to recover files backed up using the ServerMania Cloud Backup platform, powered by Acronis.

Step 1: Login to the cloud backup portal.

Visit our cloud backup portal and login using the credentials supplied to you.

Step 2: Click Backup

Click Backup

Step 3: Click Recover

Click Recover

Navigate to the device you wish to recover files on and click the Recover button.

Step 4: Click Recover Files/Folders

 Click Recover Files

Step 5: Select the backup date

Select the backup date

The left side of the screen outlines all of the available backups. Click on the date of the backup you wish to restore from.

Step 6: Select the file or folder to recover

Select the file or folder to recover

Step 7: Download or Recover the file

Download or Recover the file

The right side of the screen allows you to either download the file, or recover the file on the remote device.

Next Step: Deleting a Cloud Backup Agent